Diana Gomez Litan’s Design Day

Meet the client

Diana Gomez Litan

Founder of Super Didi Mobile

Diana Gomez Litan, a Specialized Nurse Practitioner (SNP) and founder of Super Didi Mobile, started her business to improve access to home healthcare by offering patients and their families the option of being evaluated in the comfort of their own homes when clinically appropriate.

With extensive experience in various medical fields, including general medicine, nephrology, and surgical departments, Diana aims to educate the public about the vital role of nurse practitioners, highlighting their autonomy in conducting advanced assessments, diagnosing, prescribing, and providing thorough follow-ups. Through her work, Diana is dedicated to enhancing patient care and advancing nursing practice.

Instagram @superdidimobile

Website superdidimobile.com

the brief

Diana wanted to expand her mobile clinic's reach, enabling more people to access home evaluations. She envisioned a website that would immediately make visitors feel happy and excited, with easy navigation, clear information, and straightforward contact options. She also wanted the site to convey trust, ensuring it was simple for users to understand how to book with Super Didi Mobile. Bright, fun, and expressive, the website was to reflect Diana's vibrant personality, steering clear of a corporate or boring design.

The scope

After discussing strategy and the customer journey with Diana, we focused on clearly outlining Super Didi Mobile's services and providing all necessary booking information while emphasizing that this is a mobile business serving Montreal and surrounding areas.

To achieve this, we included FAQ, contact, and services buttons in the main menu, along with a prominent "Book" button in the top menu. Colourful text blocks were added in the hero section to highlight key details, making the information immediately visible. We also used custom CSS to add phone and email icons to the top menu for clear, direct contact options.

The services section was prominently placed in the hero section for easy access, and a large contact form was added to the bottom of every page, along with a map showing the areas Super Didi serves. This ensures essential information is always accessible and contacting Diana is straightforward.

Finally, we aligned with Diana's vision for a colourful, playful, and easy-to-navigate website by using neutral backgrounds with pops of colour in text blocks and animated images, complemented by fun icons scattered throughout the site.

The finale

Diana now has a vibrant, user-friendly online platform that effectively extends the reach of her mobile clinic, allowing more people to access home healthcare services. With clear navigation, accessible contact information, and a bright, engaging design, the site builds trust and makes it easy for users to book appointments with Super Didi Mobile.

Thank you Drea for my website, I’m very happy for the final result!
— Diana Gomez Litan

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